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Mei Colani

Hi Kevin,

I thought I would reply in quarantine in HK while I have plenty of time!

Yes, the Africa trip was fantastic and all arrangements went very smoothly. As soon as we arrived we immediately realised how much we have missed Africa and Silvan loved the self-drive day particularly.

Kanlayanee Vajarobol

The comments from our group was fantastic and that they definitely would love to explore Africa more. Please send us any recommendations for next year and we shall keep in touch. 
Take good care and stay healthy ka. 

Christiane and Micah

Thanks Michelle! Yes we definitely enjoyed and will treasure this sisters trip forever. We're looking forward to more African adventures in the future.

Such a wonderful experience staying in that lodge and visiting the Himbas and riding down the river! Everything was perfection!

Pat H.

Had a very productive waterhole with 2 bull elephant, black rhino, zebra, oryx, springbok, ostrich, wildebeest.  Short moment when one of the elephants and the rhino squared off with each other.

Then we came back to the reserve and saw the lion pride again and the cubs walked right past or almost under our vehicle several times.  Great stuff.

So after only the first day I think I can say Mission Accomplished.

Too many black rhino to count!  Maybe 15-17 if I had to guess.  Saw 8 (!!)  just today, between Ongava and Etosha.  Plus 7 white rhino.


We have returned home last night, we had a great trip thanks to you!

Having said the above, over all trip was amazing, especially the planning stage with you and Jose involved a lot of excitement and really appreciate you both for that. 

Obviously Japan is very far from Africa, but if we have a chance to go back to Africa again, we would like to come to you for advice again.

Just a quick thank you note, the second picture is of me and my wife (we were second place in climbing up Big Daddy). 

Cecilia Licauco, excerpt from Philippine Star

Thanks to you, our trip is beyond words!

Words and photos are not enough to describe the surreal, varied and arid landscapes that presented themselves to us: carrot-red sand dunes, gigantic sand castles, mountains of dough-like rocks, more ragged rocks that have been sliced and mounted on top of one another, shaped and molded by time (43 million years). The landscape changes every few kilometers, a dramatic tapestry of forms and colors.

Corlu and Vic

Oh yes!  This has been epic. Everything has gone very very very well. Perfect planning Yessa! 

I asked our pilot which of the camps he’s brought clients to are his favorites and he said his top 3 are the ones we have been staying at. When Natural Selection opens their new property in Sossusvlei it will probably be spectacular too. 

Pinky R.

We are back home safe and sound and happy with all our memories of this trip.  Africa will always be special and my best best adventures.  I’m so glad to have discovered this wonderful place on earth through your travel agency and with friends as well.


This has been a trip of a lifetime and it has a permanent place in my mind n heart.  Kevin from your team and Wilderness Safaris are exceptional and made this trip extra special. Thank you. 


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