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Aaron Y.

YY will always remember his 40th at Cafema. The morning private breakfast overlooking Angola was a true spectacle- all the more memorable for having been a surprise. Selma and her team are some of the very best in the industry and were sad to leave them. Kevin did well to specifically recommend this camp for YY’s birthday and I’m sure he also had a hand in camp number 8 - which is very private and has a great view of the river and desert.

Abba N.

I fell in love with Namibia. 

I shall spend the next few weekends being a hermit and trying to edit my pictures.

Thank you for all your brilliant tips. Looking forward to the new namibian camps you may put on a2a in the future.

Eva and Gideon L.

It was an exceptional trip. We have been to two countries. The trip was organized flawlessly. The two lodges and hotel were all superb. The staff in all three places was the best. The places were different which enriched the experience.

Hoanib Valley Camp is a new place and its specialty is the Geological Unique formation, more than the animals. It is unique, deserts and very imposing.

Keiko Kabata

アフリカ旅行の後半は、世界最古の砂漠、ナミビアのナミブ砂漠のど真ん中で過ごしました。生命誕生の地、地球誕生の地、最も強い鉱物ダイヤモンドとウランが採掘される地。大地の力強さを思い切り感じた3日間でした。そしてその力強さの元はすべて太陽なんだと言う、とてもシンプルだけど、大切なことに気づかさせてくれた地でも。太陽が力強く当たっていたからこの地は誕生したのだから。太陽からの熱が当たらなければ、あらゆる化学反応も細胞分裂も起こらないのだから。天照大神を信仰したご先祖さまの気持ちをさらに深く理解出来たし、太陽の素晴らしさに感覚で気づき、毎朝FBに日の出の写真をアップする我が母はやはり凄いななんて思ったり。あらゆる意味でいろいろな気づきを与えてくれたナミビア。たくさんの太陽と大地のパワーをいただきました。感謝。ちなみに夜は宿の屋根の上にあるスターベッドで、星空の元、大地と共に三日三晩寝ました今年はたくさんお日様に当たりたくさんの星を見たいです ..............

Lourdes Zenobi

I would like to thank you so much for the amazing trip we had done! everything was incredible ! the lodges, camps, all the people in those places, the landscapes, the airstrips, the guides ( specially at little makalolo, our guide mike was incredible!) all the organization, we felt so welcomed in each place! this without doubt have been the unforgettable trip !!!

Definitely this will not be our last trip to Africa ! we are in love with Africa and thank you for making that possible !

Edgar R.

From the moment Lieze answered my initial email I felt we made the right decision. She was very eager to help us plan the perfect trip and she did just that. After countless emails and always taking into consideration our input, she put together a trip that we will always remember fondly. Everything went without a single hiccup. Every flight, every transfer, every guide or driver, they were all perfect. We are very happy we picked A2A to help us plan our dream trip.

Liu, Jeanne

From the first email enquiry I sent to the end of the trip, I've been very impressed with A2A Safaris' service.  Ailin was quick to respond to enquiries and very patient in making changes to our program.  Even when hiccups happened, she handled them calmly and tactfully and that is much appreciated.

Ailin is a truly nice and pleasant person to work with planning trips and I would book tours with her again in a heartbeat!  It was indeed a trip of a lifetime for us. Well done Ailin and A2A Safaris!

Marcie Ball

We loved the animals. The experience was amazing. Ailin was very knowledgeable. 

We did really enjoy our trip. We will definitely ask you to help with next one, although that might not be for a few years (Mozambique, Madagascar).  Next Christmas is back to Antartica.


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