Mei Colani

Hi Kevin,

I thought I would reply in quarantine in HK while I have plenty of time!

Yes, the Africa trip was fantastic and all arrangements went very smoothly. As soon as we arrived we immediately realised how much we have missed Africa and Silvan loved the self-drive day particularly.

The three locations were all very different and we ended up being the only guests at Hoanib and Kwessi camps for 2 of the 3 nights we were there. Food and rooms were all great and staff /guides all wonderful. Special thanks to the staff of the Peech Hotel who helped to deliver some items to the Intercon that I had left behind at the start of the trip.

I look forward to visiting that part of the world very soon! Thank you again for organising everything.

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Listing title: 
Yes, the Africa trip was fantastic and all arrangements went very smoothly. As soon as we arrived we immediately realised how much we have missed Africa and Silvan loved the self-drive day particularly.
Client from: 
Hong Kong
July, 2022
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