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Liam Wee Tay

Dear Yessa,

Thank you for organising such a spectacular trip of a lifetime! 

We got really lucky with all the sightings, having seen the big five numerous times over, a couple of migratory river crossings as well as a few kills! We even got to see the highly threatened Black Rhino three times over!

Stefanie and Noel Ang

It is hard to choose a favorite moment, because everything was really pleasant. Whenever I go on trips, I look for overall experience instead of only the things that I will see or buy. I would always go for quality over quantity and so we just wanted to stay in a few places, but really get to experience that place. A2A was able to translate what we wanted into the package that they offered us and there was really no need for me to modify anything, because I already trusted that the package was done according to our liking.

Pinky R.

We are back home safe and sound and happy with all our memories of this trip.  Africa will always be special and my best best adventures.  I’m so glad to have discovered this wonderful place on earth through your travel agency and with friends as well.

Nena Tantoco

in the last few weeks, i visited africa.. no space no place that warms your heart mind and soul like this place.. in a few days, we are going home.. and leaving these human beings whose smiles and body language is all about the truest love on earth.. thanking my brother in law and my sister for bringing me here.. grateful blessed .. a gift..

Mara Quiros

Jambo! Howzit? 

I can honestly say, for the first time, that “I left my heart in Cape Town”. And that goes for Kenya and Tanzania too!

Thank for you appreciating my posts. I'll be sure to tag you and A2A to share how our incredible adventure unfolded so naturally & beautifully. 

Blessed & grateful, 

PS- Stay tuned for the upcoming travel blog video !

Thank you for all that you do! 

Keep blessing the world with the promise of adventures that heal the soul!

Judy Huang

Hi Kevin, we had an amazing time!!! 
Mum and Aunty Chris were blown away by the natural beauty of Lewa and the safari experience.  We were very fortunate with the game drives, saw the big five + cheetah within the 24 hours, leopards twice!


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