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Linda C.

My friends and I were very satisfied with the itinerary, the choice of camps (especially Gibbs Farm) and the guides from Asilia. We were very lucky throughout and saw spectacular scene including a pride of 31 lioness and young lions, 2 migrations, a few leopards, lions eating buffalo and cheetahs against vultures fighting for food. Also impressed by the surprise arrangement of sunset viewing at both Asilia camps. 

We are planning our next trip to Peru/Bolivia in May 2020 through your company’s specialist, Michael in HK. The proposal he prepared is just fantastic.

Adrian Abada

I was very satisfied with the safari, the guides were very accommodating and friendly. I liked most of the safari was that we were able to see all the animals we wanted to see including the big 5, the only one we did not see was the leopard. I was very happy with the advice given to me and I appreciated Yessa in answering all my questions in a timely manner. I was very happy with the meet and greet at the airport especially in Kenya where they helped me get in a line to get my visa. The light aircraft transfers were good although I am not too crazy about the small planes.

Saira Nepomuceno

After months of drafting out our honeymoon and sifting through locations to go, my husband and I decided to put off our honeymoon until 5 months after the wedding, and wait for the wildebeest and zebra to come out and play during the GREAT MIGRATION at the Masai Mara! Starting out at Elsa’s Kopje which was a lovely place with so much history was the perfect way to kick-off our safari honeymoon. We were also not disappointed with our experience at the Masai Mara. All in all we were sorry to leave such a lovely paradise. We will definitely be back in Africa and definitely with A2A!

Suteetat Sukumalchantra

We had fantastic time on our trip. We saw a lot on our apparently very short safari trip. 5 days is nowhere near enough but we did see the great migration crossing the Mara river, lion and crocodile taking down their preys and most amazing of all, rhino mating in Lewa. We only missed the leopards but hopefully that will be remedied. I am working with Chelsea now on a trip to Botswana for 2020.

Dave I.

It was an excellent trip and we had a fun time. Everything was very smooth. The helicopter flights were awesome with the Silali Crater being a (somewhat surprising) highlight – truly a spectacular spot. I've attached a couple of photos of the flamingo from Lake Bogoria. There were thousands around and we were told that it is one of the best years for them in recent memory.

Rica and Family

Tshirts with our favorite saying this trip - HAKUNA MATATA - our guides would always tell us. That is truly how it is when we are on safari which is one of the reasons why I loved being in the wilderness. When we were in the camps we had a different high - going on our game drives seeing the animals, downtime and sundowners. I totally forgot what day it was and didn’t worry or think about anything except enjoying the moment. People are so cool and so chill  Truly Hakuna Matata - NO WORRIES. I wish the trip would never end and felt bad going back to the city.


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