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Shanie Kawpeng

A2A (Asia to Africa) Safaris and Journeys, a travel company I have worked with for all my trips to Africa, and South America.  Lit and his team ‘gets’ the pinoy travellers, provides invaluable insights, and can always be relied on to deliver the best services.​

Susan and Lilit Lim

JAMBO Yessa!

Lilit and I are trying to recover from a very bad case of "AFRICAN FEVER"!

Our minds are still flooded with images of Kenya...we are not complaining, though.

Lilit is busy typing away non-stop, on his laptop since yesterday trying to commit to its memory bank, salient details of our it, the KENYA DIARIES.

Jinky and Rodel Cruz

Thanks, Yessa! Everything's been great thus far. Our game drives in the Serengeti have been great! Saw all the “big 5”and the “ugly 5” and then some awesome bonuses! Got videos of (1) a cheetah chasing, killing and feeding on a rabbit, (2) ostrich charging to our vehicle, (3) wildebeests river crossings. 

Susie and Ching Yap

Thanks Yessa. It was a wonderful trip ! Eager to share our feedback with you. Ching was so happy with everything. A wonderful lady from Cheli & Peacock handled us when we returned to Nairobi. She found the jacaranda seed supplier for me.

It was a wonderful and fantastic trip!
Saw 8 leopards during the entire trip, the majority in Northern Serengeti. 
Still having a hangover from the trip. 

Gina Consunji

I find the trip an eye opener and educational.  The people were very gentle and deep concern in preserving culture. It gave me better understanding of the animal life vis a vis environment.

Tricia Puno

We enjoyed the safari a lot! It was nice that our group got along very well. We didn’t get to see the actual migration though because I think we missed it by a week. But at least we saw thousands of wildebeests crossing the plains of Masai Mara. We also saw a hunt by the wild dogs and a kill by a lion plus several feastings of kills by different predator. Thanks for arranging everything!

Tjin Lee

Can I take my kid on a safari?

Here’s what to expect: most camps will do two or three drives a day, one at around 630am, 930am and 330pm. Each drive usually lasts about 3 hours, and they all ride in these open-sided cars, like the Jurassic Park jeeps! These give you the best 360 views of the animals.

Is it safe? Well, there’s a seatbelt... don’t expect a booster seat! It’s also completely open, and expect to come very very close to the animals.

Lynn Gan

You have been so cheerful, patient and helpful and I shall miss you. Thank you for making all the arrangements for our recent trip. It was such a wonderful experience and everything went so well. Thank you.


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