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Joanna S.

Long story short, we had the most amazing and memorable trip to East Africa. As you know, we love to travel and had high expectations from this trip. However, we were completely blown away! By the wildlife, landscape, people, history, and the lodges and camps, which you expertly selected for us. Our itinerary and all the logistics were perfectly planned and executed. And we have you to thank for that.
Thank you once again for orchestrating this epic trip for us. We really appreciate your patient, thorough and professional support.

Chase Cokaliong

This Africa trip has been one of the greatest experiences I've had—seeing all these wild animals up close, staying in one of the most picturesque accommodations in Kenya.

This is why #TheChaseNeverEnds, and why I keep working hard. Because these are the kinds of experiences I want to keep having—and the kind of things I want my family to always be able to enjoy.

I guess nature has me feeling a bit deep. Hello from this side of the world!

Katrina Ngo

The past two weeks have given us so much to be grateful for. As I am writing this, I reminisce being greeted by the great African sunrise with clouds moving across blue mountains and green fauna embracing the morning calls of the birds.

Marie Constantino

I planned my first ever safari and trip to Africa with A2A and I struggle to think of how it could have been better! From pre-trip exchanges to post-trip comms, I felt that all my needs and preferences were well-received and considered by experts. Despite going solo, I felt confident and secure so I thoroughly enjoyed what the Mara had to offer!

Leng Bogensperger

We had incredible game viewings including a cheetah kill in action and leopards climbing up and down trees, lots of babies from the various species and lions, hyenas and jackals eating their kill. I even had the resident giraffe come just outside my tent at Sirikoi and bend down its head for me to stroke it. My daughter was most envious of this especially because it happened so quickly so I had no time to alert her about the giraffe in the vicinity and she said she was now reconsidering treating us to our next safari. Ha ha.


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