Susan and Lilit Lim

JAMBO Yessa!

Lilit and I are trying to recover from a very bad case of "AFRICAN FEVER"!

Our minds are still flooded with images of Kenya...we are not complaining, though.

Lilit is busy typing away non-stop, on his laptop since yesterday trying to commit to its memory bank, salient details of our it, the KENYA DIARIES.

On my part, I have been sorting through thousands of fotos I took with just my celfone -- I know it would never approximate what I have seen, but, good enough to get so many positive and appreciative feedback from Family and friends for the efforts made, to share my experiences!

Thank God Lilit has so many fantastic fotos on his LUMIX camera. Nothing fancy, but, it certainly captured so many dramatic and stunning pictures!

Despite a full day out game-watching daily, and exhaustion, I tried to cope with posting on FB what I could, just as times, trading precious sleep...hehe! The posts will help me remember the salient aspects and highlights of my safari adventure!

Because of my FB posts...KENYA and a SAFARI adventure has been re-introduced to the pysche of many who saw my posts.

I have gotten many inquiries, and of course, it goes without saying, that we have been mentioning A2A to our friends and relatives.

We are so HAPPY and pleased with our trip -- thanks to you, A2A, Cheli and Peacock, the management of each camp/place where we stayed, and, to ALL whom we met along the way, who are now dear rafikis.

The TOTAL EXPERIENCE is beyond words...I can't seem to begin nor attempt to describe the OVERWHELMED!

I will TAG you the rest of my ALBUMS...I hope to complete them before I hit the PANIC BUTTON, as the Holidays is just around the corner...yikes!

We will certainly keep in touch!

God Bless!

Image (Listing): 
Listing title: 
The TOTAL EXPERIENCE is beyond words...I can't seem to begin nor attempt to describe the OVERWHELMED!
Client from: 
November, 2019
Safari to