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May News -Selinda Explorers Camp, Botswana

So much has been happening in May at our little Explorers Camp on the Selinda Spillway – Northern Botswana, and where to even begin seems somewhat of a challenge. We’ve had an absolutely fantastic month, not only for the spectacular sightings but for the incredible fun we’ve been having with our guests and staff. They say a picture tells a thousand words, so, here’s one thousand to start off with the rarest mammal in southern Africa right in the centre of camp – A Wild Dog.

May news – ol Donyo Lodge, Kenya

A lone bull crosses the plains, heading for the ol Donyo waterhole. (Photo: Walter Kolon)

May should have been a month of dramatic storms and heavy downpours, but sadly we have not had much of a rainy season so far – more of a “gentle drizzle”! So we are keeping our fingers crossed that we may get some late rain in June to fill the waterholes out on the plains and top up our tanks.

May News – Duba Plains Camp, Botswana

Two things come to mind at Duba at the start of the floods. The thrill of seeing water in huge amounts as well as the logistical challenges that comes with the floods. At the end of the day the answer is just simple; these are not the first floods we’ve been through and not the highest we’ve seen, therefore pre-planning plays a big part. May is a month of many activities, Elephants migrating to areas where there’s water, floods rising and delta islands get smaller, roads coming underwater.

May News – Zarafa Camp, Botswana

A O.K. May  

We are going to keep this month’s weather update short and sweet by saying that there are no temperatures that cannot be overcome by a hot cup of tea or coffee at your doorstep, one of our guides’  ponchos (which have a surprising cuddly inner ☺)  and a ‘bush baby’, (bush baby is ‘safari language’ for hot water bottle) which are even more cuddly.
So, nothing to worry about! And if this does not sound like vacation in your ears, just remember that after every hour of game drive you will be peeling off one layer of clothes, guaranteed.

April News – Zarafa Camp, Botswana

Winter is coming!

Many of our followers in civilization might recognize the phrase “Winter is coming…” from the television series ‘Game of Thrones’. (For those who are  a little behind – it is apparently a very popular show so catch-up, you do not live in the bush!)

Katherine 2

April News – Duba Plains, Botswana

It has been a great leopard month. The camp main area is built around tall jackal-berry trees which are home to a troop of baboons. One evening while were sitting by the fire place we started hearing an alarm call from the baboons and we wondered what could be scaring them in the dark. The guide explained that there could be a lion, leopard or hyena walking through camp.


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