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February News – Selinda Camp, Botswana

News from Selinda

What a rollicking good time we’ve had at Selinda this month. It’s a visually stunning time of year, with lush green vegetation and billowing indigo thunderclouds making for some incredible photographic backdrops.

Our birdlife hasn’t failed to disappoint the avid birders who have visited us recently. A single afternoon’s game drive has yielded more than 60 different species in the space of just a couple of hours. And it’s exciting spotting too.

January 2014 News – ol Donyo Lodge, Kenya

The start of the traditional Maasai Wedding ceremony of our staff member Jackson…. Where the January celebration began.

The entrance in to 2014 has been an eventful, rewarding and celebratory one!

January 2014 news – Mara Plains and Mara Toto, Kenya


Hello to you all from the plains, rivers, thickets and valleys of the central Mara ecosystem- the Olare Motorogi Conservancy. The year has started well in this area and on all fronts- The wildlife is midst a time of plenty, the game viewing is at it’s best, skies are clear, mornings crisp, and the days warm leading to great ‘cat-naps’ mid afternoon awaiting the evening action. ‘Do as the wildlife does’, after all, they have had tens of thousands of years to work out the best schedule.

The Gourmet Side to Duba Plains, Botswana

Pierre van Zyl has been the executive chef at Duba since August 2012.  Born and bred in Johannesburg, South Africa, Pierre went to one of the best cooking school in the country. The Institute of Culinary Arts is based in Stellenbosch, the very heart and soul of the good food and wine country. A man of many talents, Pierre is also a keen photographer and has a love for wildlife. Pierre has bought his passion for great food up to Botswana where he can enjoy the nature and share his skills with guests from all over the world.

Mother Nature – 1 vs Great Plains Botswana football squad – 0

It came over the radio to much disappointment to the team.

“play has been suspended due to irrevocable interference on the field”.

We were on a game drive vehicle over spilling with Selinda Reserve’s 1st 12, well only 12, finest footballers.  Some had football boots, some one boot one shoe, one with one boot no shoes and the proud goalie Dollar in his no shoes.  It would be the game of champions, sponsored by the local contractors and to feature in the Ngami times that weekend (Northern Botswana’s local rag).


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