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May News -Selinda Explorers Camp, Botswana

So much has been happening in May at our little Explorers Camp on the Selinda Spillway – Northern Botswana, and where to even begin seems somewhat of a challenge. We’ve had an absolutely fantastic month, not only for the spectacular sightings but for the incredible fun we’ve been having with our guests and staff. They say a picture tells a thousand words, so, here’s one thousand to start off with the rarest mammal in southern Africa right in the centre of camp – A Wild Dog.


VIP Guest – Africa Wild Dog

Oh yes, a VIP guest arrived at Explorers just a few days ago and, needless to say, the staff weren’t entirely enthused at the idea of welcoming this particular visitor with the usual warm smile and face towel! And, of course, he didn’t come alone… he brought with him the rest of the pack of thirteen who chased, brought down and devoured an exhausted impala as she dashed past the office, scrambled through the kitchen and all around camp until eventually the calamity ended in the car park…THIS happened just a few meters away from us. We could hardly believe it, our hearts were racing!




Wild dog sightings have been aplenty and we’re seeing them in and around camp on almost a daily basis. Kane, our regular wild animal whisperer, entertainer and guide extraordinaire, witnessed an equally exciting and perhaps more dramatic hunt at our nearby hippo pool with his guests on foot as the dogs dashed past them, ran through the water, drowned, and, as only they can do, devoured a young female kudu with lightning speed as the sun was starting to set and the sundowners had just been poured. An absolutely once in a life time sighting as the kudu’s alarms brought in some daring hyenas to the scene, causing a battle between the two rivals as they repeatedly tried in vain to push the dogs away from their kill. The atmosphere was electric and there was an absolute cacophony of squeals, yelps and bellows with even the hippos getting out the water, sniffing around and joining in on the action. All very exciting and indeed promising signs that these beautiful painted dogs are denning nearby and we hope to discover just exactly where very soon.



In other news… it is getting a whole lot drier (and cooler) now as we are approaching the winter months and the animal sightings are vastly improving. The zebras are starting to come back from their seasonal migration route in the Savuti Marsh/Mababe Depression and we’ve had a few visits from the dagga boys (old male buffalos) as the buffalos start their search for clearer waters and better grazing along the Spillway. General game is also good at the moment and we’re seeing plenty of giraffe, impala and kudu. We’re also starting to see large herds of elephants along the Spillway and around Explorers Camp.



 That’s me at the back, paddling gently down the spillway and past a herd of elephant on our way to a beautifully set up bush breakfast at Hippo Pools. (image – Alex Walters).


Predator sightings are top of the tops here at Explorers and guests have been treated to some incredible sightings of leopards, cheetahs, and lions; the hunts, the kills and the many disputes between the different groups with leopard tracks right through camp, nightly visits from hyenas and a kill so close by the Wapuka Lion Pride of eight that we could hear them fighting over their waterbuck from camp. Our guests were lucky enough to witness the entire thing from start to finish but hearing it all from camp was just as exciting.




Walks have been very popular here at Explorers with plenty of spectacular sightings; leopards, lions on kills, wild dogs and elephant … all on foot and expertly guided by Kane who, when he isn’t out tracking animals and sharing his bushman skills with our guests, is planning highly competitive canoe races down the Spillway with the help of myself, the new camp manager at Explorers, and our fantastic team. Have a look…




We saw in these particular guests a few seriously competitive streaks and decided to put their paddling skills to the test. Teams were chosen, canoes were marked with brightly coloured names, staff were out to support with posters and cheers, celebratory champagne was on ice and prizes were laid out along with some serious rules and regulations from Kane (aka “The Ref”) and the support team; camera crew, medical rescue and of course our friendly barman who was on standby with emergency G&Ts at the finish line.



The afternoon was filled with fun, sun and smiles all round and is one we will certainly never forget.



Our guests at Explorers seem always to be a little quirky, adventurous and full of fun and that’s just the way we like them.


See what I mean?! Yes, that is indeed a guest donning Selinda Reserve staff uniform! On their request, our guests swopped roles and attire with the staff for the night and everyone enjoyed a meal cooked by them that evening, what a treat! The guests lit the lanterns, served the drinks, set out the chairs and shared stories around the camp fire. There was signing, dancing and lots and lots of laughter that night.10


The last few weeks seem to have been filled with birthdays, anniversaries, newly weds on honeymoon and all sorts of reasons to celebrate and completely spoil our guests. We have been in our absolute hosting, styling, magic-dust sprinkling element – setting up romantic dinners under the glowing light of our candle chandelier hanging from the old mopane tree, arranging copper baths brimming with bubbles under the stars.



We have also been setting up cosy spots using our Swahili style rugs with floor cushions, blankets and Amarula around crackling fires and Kane has been in charge of the fishing, giraffe dung spitting competitions, practical jokes and all things fun, along with providing guests with the incredible game viewing experiences that he’s become so well known for.

We’re a great team and proving that anything and everything is possible and happening at Selinda Explorers Camp. It’s been a fantastic month and we are certainly looking forward to what June has in store for us…