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May News -Selinda Explorers Camp, Botswana

So much has been happening in May at our little Explorers Camp on the Selinda Spillway – Northern Botswana, and where to even begin seems somewhat of a challenge. We’ve had an absolutely fantastic month, not only for the spectacular sightings but for the incredible fun we’ve been having with our guests and staff. They say a picture tells a thousand words, so, here’s one thousand to start off with the rarest mammal in southern Africa right in the centre of camp – A Wild Dog.

March News – Zarafa Camp, Botswana

Thunderstorms and stormy weather dominated the first few days of this month in our gorgeous concession, adding to the lush beauty that summer has created.  The occasional showers did, however, provide an all too welcome reprieve from the heat and as the month has worn on, these have become few and far between.    As we head toward April, one can definitely feel the morning coolness of spring approaching and the days becoming milder, a very pleasant time of year for comfortable evenings.

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