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Life Lessons from the Singita Grumeti Fund Environmental Education Center

Standing in a quiet corner of the vast Singita Grumeti reserve in Tanzania, surrounded by thorn trees and the grassy plains of the Serengeti, is a bright, airy classroom decorated with colourful posters and sustainability slogans. Up the path leading out the door is a pair of neatly-kept dormitories and a dining room with space...

The Return of the Rains

Maintaining the integrity of each Singita reserve and the ecosystems that exist within it is one of the main priorities for our hands-on conservation teams. It’s a challenging task, that includes managing issues like human-wildlife conflict, alien plant control and habitat restoration, but is also often influenced by uncontrollable external factors, such as drought. Towards...

Christmas on the Wild Side

For many, the idea of the Serengeti landscape conjures visions of endless golden grasslands and the stark outline of dry, thorny scrub. This is indeed one face of this vast ecosystem, but it can also be a shimmering, emerald sea of dense vegetation and flowering plants; the summer “green season”. Christmas falls towards the beginning...

The Alarming Results of the Great Elephant Census

Habitat loss. Climate change. Human conflict. There are many reasons why elephants, arguably the continent’s most iconic animals, are disappearing from African landscapes, but the biggest threat to this vulnerable species is humans; specifically those that hunt them illegally to trade in their ivory. The rapid decline in their numbers prompted philanthropist Paul G. Allen’s...

Feast & Famine: Times of Plenty in Occasions of Drought

As game rangers, conservationsists and animal lovers, it can be extremely difficult to see the landscape and wildlife suffering during a drought. The current, severe lack of rain in the Kruger National Park area has caused a knock-on effect with food supplies, making it extremely difficult for grazers to find grass on which to feed....

Singita Grumeti Fund: A Productive Partnership

Today, visitors to the western corridor of the Serengeti, where Singita is the custodian of a 350,000-acre concession, are surrounded by lush grasslands and healthy herds of migrating wildlife. Thirteen years ago, however, this area was near-barren, as uncontrolled hunting and rampant poaching had decimated local wildlife populations. Thanks to the intervention of American philanthropist,...


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