
June 09, 2016

Solar at Sabora gets the Green Light

If you close your eyes and listen carefully, you just might hear it; the sound of absolute peace. That is what guests at Singita Sabora Tented Camp are experiencing with the recent switch to renewable energy.

Solar power at Singita Sabora Tented Camp

In 2013, Singita’s reserves in Tanzania began a new journey toward sustainable operation together with One Planet, a project that promotes practical sustainable living. One Planet’s approach seeks to meet more of our needs from local, renewable and waste resources, enabling people to live happy, healthy lives within the natural limits of the planet, leaving space for wildlife and wilderness. Singita Sabora Tented Camp is now putting this idea into action by switching from diesel generators to solar power; just one of the many upgrades Singita is making to reduce its carbon footprint.

Solar power at Singita Sabora Tented Camp

The camp previously ran two generators that consumed an average of 8 000 litres of diesel per month. Now, with the solar system in place, that consumption is expected to reduce by over 85%. Perhaps most interesting is that this change hasn’t had any impact on the world-class safari experience on offer in this special corner of the Serengeti. Lodge Manager, Hermann Naude, proudly shares how, at Singita Sabora Tented Camp, “guests do not have to sacrifice comfort to be environmentally friendly. The experience is just as incredible as ever”. In fact, if anything, it has been improved, as the roar of the generators has been replaced with the sounds of the African bush – guests and staff can now hear the rumble of migrating wildebeest hooves, the cackling of a hyena and the urgent call of an alarmed zebra even more clearly.

Solar power at Singita Sabora Tented Camp

Earlier this year, Singita commissioned a 130 Kwp solar system complete with 504 panels for Singita Sabora Tented Camp, where two backup generators provide additional support. Equipped with a 900 kwh, state-of-the-art battery bank and inverters, the system meets 100% of the camp’s needs during the dry season. Singita Lebombo Lodge also has a cutting-edge solar power facility installed – read all about it here.

The post Solar at Sabora gets the Green Light appeared first on Singita.

Source: Singita

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If you close your eyes and listen carefully, you just might hear it; the sound of absolute peace. That is what guests at Singita Sabora Tented Camp are experiencing with the recent switch to renewable energy.

Solar power at Singita Sabora Tented Camp

In 2013, Singita’s reserves in Tanzania began a new journey toward sustainable operation together with One Planet, a project that promotes practical sustainable living. One Planet’s approach seeks to meet more of our needs from local, renewable and waste resources, enabling people to live happy, healthy lives within the natural limits of the planet, leaving space for wildlife and wilderness. Singita Sabora Tented Camp is now putting this idea into action by switching from diesel generators to solar power; just one of the many upgrades Singita is making to reduce its carbon footprint.

Solar power at Singita Sabora Tented Camp

The camp previously ran two generators that consumed an average of 8 000 litres of diesel per month. Now, with the solar system in place, that consumption is expected to reduce by over 85%. Perhaps most interesting is that this change hasn’t had any impact on the world-class safari experience on offer in this special corner of the Serengeti. Lodge Manager, Hermann Naude, proudly shares how, at Singita Sabora Tented Camp, “guests do not have to sacrifice comfort to be environmentally friendly. The experience is just as incredible as ever”. In fact, if anything, it has been improved, as the roar of the generators has been replaced with the sounds of the African bush – guests and staff can now hear the rumble of migrating wildebeest hooves, the cackling of a hyena and the urgent call of an alarmed zebra even more clearly.

Solar power at Singita Sabora Tented Camp

Earlier this year, Singita commissioned a 130 Kwp solar system complete with 504 panels for Singita Sabora Tented Camp, where two backup generators provide additional support. Equipped with a 900 kwh, state-of-the-art battery bank and inverters, the system meets 100% of the camp’s needs during the dry season. Singita Lebombo Lodge also has a cutting-edge solar power facility installed – read all about it here.

The post Solar at Sabora gets the Green Light appeared first on Singita.