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Sheila Marcelo

What a very special trip that truly is life changing. So much to learn from this beautiful country and many more to visit. Thankful to be with amazing friends and be amongst creatures that share Mother Earth - needs our TLC.

Alzone Ang

The GOOD news is that my wife and I are back from the adventure, safe and sound, mentally and spiritually richer (pockets are a bit lighter but that's par for the course). The BETTER news is that your team, especially Chelsea, was instrumental in getting us on that truly magical adventure, and we never felt that we were in anything but the best hands, with Chelsea and everyone who was a part of our journey those couple of weeks.

Michael and Huifen

This is hands down, our best trip ever! We were blessed by the abundant wildlife sightings – seeing the elephants frolicking in Chobe River, driving among herds of buffalos, having a chance encounter with the elusive leopard, hearing a lion’s ferocious roar in the stillness of the night and when it made its kill outside our lodge. All these made better by the impeccable experience of glamping in Botswana and being so well taken care of at The Hide in Zimbabwe. 

Patrick Ho

Our trip to Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa was not only very organized, but definitely catered to our interests. The staff at the camps were knowledge, well-trained, and made our stay very comfortable. The camp guides were excellent. They had fun and interesting stories to tell and provided endless information and answered our questions not only about the safari and nature, but also the historical background and current state of affairs for each country.


This is a very much delayed email and I apologise for taking so long to send one. We are still trying to recover from that place that you put us up in hence the very delayed note of appreciation. Kidding aside, we'd like to thank you very much for arranging everything for us and basically letting us have such a wonderful safari experience specially since it being our first one.

Qian Yun Wong

Kudos to A2A's Ailin for planning the most awesome honeymoon trip one can have!  My husband and I wanted a fuss free honeymoon as we were very busy with preps for our wedding and new home, and didn't have the luxury of time to plan the honeymoon. Happened to chance upon A2A on my way to lunch one day and I am so glad our paths crossed!


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