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Maddie Brenneman

This is the time of year we rack our brains about what to gift our loved ones. Just a reminder, the travel industry was hit really hard in 2020 and could use some support. I realize it may still be a little while until we can safely travel again but In my opinion, it’s fun to look forward to something and there is no better gift than an experience that will create lifelong memories. p.s. I tagged a few of my favorite travel companies in this photo!

Meng L.

YES !! We suspected you were behind the upgrade. Double thank you, Binky! 

Our Itinerary was very well planned. The experiences and exposure were unique and special in each stop. Everything has been smooth since Manila. 
Thanks so much! We’re in good, professional hands.

Gina Consunji

I find the trip an eye opener and educational.  The people were very gentle and deep concern in preserving culture. It gave me better understanding of the animal life vis a vis environment.

Tricia Puno

We enjoyed the safari a lot! It was nice that our group got along very well. We didn’t get to see the actual migration though because I think we missed it by a week. But at least we saw thousands of wildebeests crossing the plains of Masai Mara. We also saw a hunt by the wild dogs and a kill by a lion plus several feastings of kills by different predator. Thanks for arranging everything!

Cheryl & Iskandar

Nellie has definitely planned a wonderful itinery for us.  She has planned everything according to what we wanted and requested for this trip and has been truly patient throughout the planning process!  She has been very accommodating and has been very helpful with my all requests.  Will definitely look for her once we have saved enough for our next safari in south africa!

Emma Hui

Thanks to Kevin’s invaluable knowledge, I thoroughly enjoyed a fantastic trip in Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa.  Victoria Falls at Thorntree was magical; Safaris at Somalisa were authentic and enjoyable; Cape Town was just beautiful, cultural and diverse.  The recommended itinerary and private guides were well-planned to meet every expectation.  I would highly recommend A2A to anyone who is looking for a memorable experience in Africa.

Ramirez family

Hi Yessa! We had an exciting and wonderful time in Africa! It’s the first time that the kids didn’t like to come home from a trip. Thank you very much for arranging our African itinerary.  Until next time!

Byron Siy

It wasn't our first time in the continent, but Africa proved it still has much to offer. The Botswana-Zambia-Zimbabwe safari was definitely a different experience for us. From taking the light aircraft flights to the posh accommodations and sumptuous food & wine included in the tour, against a backdrop of unadulterated wilderness spanning your horizon far as the eye can see, it was one to be remembered for a lifetime! The passion of the safari guides was also inspiring to see, much as the hospitality of the camp staff and the people we met during the trip. Worth a repeat for sure!


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