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South Africa


Our time at Tswalu was absolutely unforgettable and the hubby and I are already talking about coming back (even though this was meant to be a once in a lifetime kind of holiday!)

Check out Amanda's blog "Amanda on Safari "

Teri and Dazzle Sy

Dazzle just loveeeeed South Africa.  We had such a blast, I'm sure we'll be coming back again, god willing. It's so funny we went there with 30 kilos of luggage, we want back with 50!  Everything there was so fairly priced and were just so beautiful!  We just couldn't resist. We now have African throw pillows, animals and photography in our house! 

Hans Fuchs

It was brilliant! The organisation, the guides, the food -  everything was great! I suspect you may see us again in the not too distant future. I would particularly like to mention our guide in Cape Town, Samson, who was outstanding.

McKenzie and Daniel B.

Going on safari is such an incredible experience with the gamedrives alone. Top that off with a gorgeous lodge and accommodations, excellent food, and top-notch service, and it doesn't get any better than that. Our guide and the management at the Lelepa felt like old friends by the time we left - would highly recommend it to anyone!

Monique Santos-Roxas

We embarked on a 16-day adventure with A2A to celebrate our Mom’s 70th birthday. Being a big family of 19 persons, we were incredibly thankful we let A2A plan this trip for us- everything was smooth, seamless and hassle-free.  

All our activities, tours, transfers and restaurant reservations were booked and planned prior to departure so all we had to do was sit back and enjoy.  We met with Binky and Tracie Dizon one year before the trip and they planned such a great itinerary for us.

Cecilia Licauco (Bountiful Botswana, Phil Star Aug 2014)

This powerful phrase comes from a priest’s homily we heard at a Mass in Capetown. When an impala lives another day to eat the sweet grass, he must be grateful that he wasn’t last night’s dinner for a lion or a leopard.  Indeed, being with wild animals in their natural habitat is a reminder that life is precious and humans, while similarly threatened by vicious entities, might do well to practice simplicity, tolerance and respect for other species, and gratitude.

Nicole Morris and group

Anyway, it was all such a good experience. I love Botswana!  So all in all we accomplished our goal of experiencing different types of camps. All our discussions paid off in the end. 

As for the Cape Town leg of our trip, WS took care of us very well. Our guide Paul and driver Peter were great.  Everybody felt happy and are in awe with South Africa and Botswana. It was an eye opener for them all.

We are all recuperating from the lack of sleep and have started our diets due to overindulgence. 


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