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Christine Tang-So

Hi Ailin, We are truly happy to say you are one of the best, if not the best, travel agents we have ever encountered. And yes, the most expensive 'excursion' we have ever experienced. We hope the price tag has nothing to do with the great satisfaction we felt after this trip. Cathlyn was right when she convinced us to book our safari trip with you. Despite the bucket shower, the blackouts, the frigid temperature, we are mostly contented and pleased with our itinerary. You made that possible. 

Mountain Gorillas and African Savanna
8 nights / 9 days • from US$ 12,500 per person (including two gorilla permits)
Rwanda is mystical and breathtaking and called the "Land of a Thousand Hills". Track endangered mountain gorillas - one of the largest great apes - in the Virunga Mountains and observe their behaviour at close quarters

Kelvin Koh

Rwanda was a truly special experience, and getting close to gorilla families in  their natural habitat is a memory I will cherish for a very long time. We were able to quietly watch them as they interacted lovingly and tenderly with each other, all the while with the dominant silverback’s careful but non-aggressive gaze on us. Thanks A2A Safaris for putting together this once in a lifetime adventure!


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