Doug and Conwell Beal

We are now in the heart of the dark continent, currently on a flight from Kigali, Rwanda to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  The trip has been great!

Highlights include:

A pride of 17 lions devouring an elephant (South Africa)
A pack of rare wild dogs hunting for 3 hours (Botswana)
3 cheetahs chasing and killing a wildebeast - our first live kill!  (Tanzania)
Wild Chimpanzees on lake Tanganika - and fishing on the lake itself  (Tanzania)
Climbing up the side of a volcano to track some of the last remaining  mountain gorillas - we actually got charged by a 500 lb silverback  (Rwanda)
The beauty and optimism of Rwanda and the Rwandans, only 14 years after the genocide.
The food and wine of Capetown and the wine country of South Africa -  wonderfully delicious and unbelievably inexpensive - David and  Jessica would agree.
The mightly Zambezi river by boat and Victoria Falls by microlight  (Zambia)
Following a leopard hunt impala through a driving thunderstorm (in an open car) - and at one point, sharing a tree with the leopard for  shelter (South Africa)

Now looking forward to Ethiopia, and for our grand finale, climbing Mount Meru!

Listing title: 
We are now in the heart of the dark continent, currently on a flight from Kigali, Rwanda to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The trip has been great!
Client from: 
Hong Kong
February, 2009
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