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Pang Shu Ming

No trip can proceed seamlessly - I have been incredibly happy with the responsiveness of the team in addressing issues that crop up and proactively working to pre-empt.

As Africa is my favorite continent - I will no doubt be continuing to seek their help when planning my next trip.

The Layco family

Hi Yessa. We had a very wonderful trip. The experience was unforgettable. Although I was scared of being near the animals, I was able to do it.  All accommodations were superb and truly A-class. Thank you so much for the great itinerary you planned out for us. It was so en pointe!!

Michelle Tang

The trip was amazing.  Of course the sightings of the gorillas were magical but like you had said before, meeting the locals and getting to know their history was an equally impressive experience.  They put me to shame really.  We have so much to learn from them.  The city of Kigali is beautiful.  And the couple restaurants you recommended were very good!  Thank you!!

Kyle Mar

We had a great honeymoon at Tanguila Mara in Kenya and Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge in Rwanda. Accommodations, food, and service were great. Seeing all the animals up close was an amazing experience. Thank you Kevin and A2A for organizing this trip.

William Tan

Enchanted by our first trip to Africa 15 years ago, we have always dreamed of going back. Delayed by the pandemic two years ago, we finally went off last month. As in any experience, it's always difficult to beat the first. Nonetheless, this trip had certainly come close.

Compliments to A2A for making both trips so wonderful! Special shout out to Kevin for the meticulous planning and coordination to ensure the success of the trip.

Oli Laparal

It was good to see the mountain gorillas. They are so human like.  98% same DNA. 

We got lucky and suddenly found ourselves in the middle of the mass migration with countless animals. The balloon ride was an experience of a lifetime.


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