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September News – Duba Plains, Botswana

September is a great month to spend time with the giants of Africa, elephants, as the water is drying up from most water holes making them follow the main streams. It is a warm month and to enjoy the cool breeze of the night that is complemented by the soothing smell of the wild sage one has to keep the tent flaps up. There is nothing that brings you closer to nature like getting a night surprise visit of an elephant coming to eat next to your tent in the full glow of the moon outside.

Life in the field: the latest news from the Ruaha Carnivore Project

By Amy Dickman, Director, RCP.

Since its establishment in 2010, the Ruaha Carnivore Project has gone from strength to strength (see previous blog “A Friend Of The Enemy”). Here we share the latest update from the field, complete with tales of competition and camaraderie, knowledge and education, the expanding use of camera-trap technology, and finally, a new addition to the family!

Ruaha Guardians compete in the Lion Guardian Games

A friend of the enemy- A conservationist intervenes in the conflict between people and predators

In an article that first appeared in Africa Geographic, Amy Dickman, who is the director of the Ruaha Carnivore Project, shares with us the background to this challenging project and the remarkable vision of the people involved in reducing the conflict between people and predators in the village lands surrounding Ruaha National Park.

World Rhino Day 2014

World Rhino Day was established in 2010 and serves to celebrate all five species of rhino: Black, white, greater one-horned, Sumatran and Javan rhinos. It is celebrated every year on 22 September and has grown to become a global phenomenon, uniting NGOs, zoos, cause-related organisations, businesses, and concerned individuals from nearly every corner of the world.

Recent Facebook Highlights

Singita’s Facebook community has always been an active space where guests and fans share their thoughts and memories alongside beautiful snapshots by our rangers in the bush. In particular, there have been a number of stunning wildlife photos posted by field guide Ross Couper from Singita Sabi Sand recently that have been shared far and wide. Here is a brief selection:


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