
October 08, 2015

Quick & Quirky: Wildlife Snippets on our Vimeo Channel

Have you ever seen an elephant blowing bubbles? Or a very lucky wildebeest escaping the clutches of an apex predator? Or a leopard cub getting a bath from his mother? Singita’s Vimeo channel is a gold mine for wildlife lovers, and is full of great sightings just like those described. Most of the wildlife posts are short snippets filmed by field guides out on game drives with guests, and many contain unusual or exciting animal behaviour.

Leopard at Singita Kruger National Park

Here are some highlights of the most amusing and eye-catching wildlife sightings you can find on our channel:

Lioness vs. Porcupine

Singita Kruger National Park is well known for the large lion prides and ever changing dynamics within the family groups. Over the last few months especially, we have been spoilt with terrific sightings of the prides as they move through the concession and especially the phenomenal array of cubs. This sighting however was completely unique and very entertaining! Two lionesses taking on a porcupine? That is very brave considering the damage that those quills can cause.

A Feast for the Shishangaan Pride

Three adult lionesses with seven cubs from the Shishangaan pride were seen on a few occasions this month. The cubs gorged themselves and could hardly walk to keep up as their mothers led them away from the kill sites after feeding, in order to keep them safe. We also saw a total of thirty-two Shishangaan pride members feeding on the remains of a Cape buffalo a few weeks ago!

Leopard Cub Having a Bath

Singita Sabi Sand is renowned for a healthy leopard population, where guests are treated to daily sightings of these majestic animals. Our guides cam upon this incredible sighting on morning game drive today.

Lucky Gnu (Singita Kruger National Park)

We were lucky enough to witness this gripping encounter between a lone wildebeest and a lioness. Through true determination and possibly a bit of luck this wildebeest managed to fight off the lioness and gallop to freedom. Rare sightings like these are such a privilege to see!

Baby Hippo Going for a Dip (Singita Kruger National Park)

Newly born hippos are relatively small, weighing from 55 to 120 pounds, and are fiercly protected by their mothers. Young hippos can only stay under water for about half a minute, but adults can stay submerged up to six minutes.

Elephants Blowing Bubbles (Singita Sabi Sand)

Anywhere on the concession where there is water, there are elephants. Mid-morning at the water source is generally the best, as the herds come down to drink. There are often very good interactions between the elephants and the crocodiles and hippos wishing to bask in the sun on the riverbanks.

Singita’s social channels are a great place to get the latest news from our 12 lodges and camps. You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and, of course, Vimeo.

The post Quick & Quirky: Wildlife Snippets on our Vimeo Channel appeared first on Singita.

Source: Singita

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Have you ever seen an elephant blowing bubbles? Or a very lucky wildebeest escaping the clutches of an apex predator? Or a leopard cub getting a bath from his mother? Singita’s Vimeo channel is a gold mine for wildlife lovers, and is full of great sightings just like those described. Most of the wildlife posts are short snippets filmed by field guides out on game drives with guests, and many contain unusual or exciting animal behaviour.

Leopard at Singita Kruger National Park

Here are some highlights of the most amusing and eye-catching wildlife sightings you can find on our channel:

Lioness vs. Porcupine

Singita Kruger National Park is well known for the large lion prides and ever changing dynamics within the family groups. Over the last few months especially, we have been spoilt with terrific sightings of the prides as they move through the concession and especially the phenomenal array of cubs. This sighting however was completely unique and very entertaining! Two lionesses taking on a porcupine? That is very brave considering the damage that those quills can cause.

A Feast for the Shishangaan Pride

Three adult lionesses with seven cubs from the Shishangaan pride were seen on a few occasions this month. The cubs gorged themselves and could hardly walk to keep up as their mothers led them away from the kill sites after feeding, in order to keep them safe. We also saw a total of thirty-two Shishangaan pride members feeding on the remains of a Cape buffalo a few weeks ago!

Leopard Cub Having a Bath

Singita Sabi Sand is renowned for a healthy leopard population, where guests are treated to daily sightings of these majestic animals. Our guides cam upon this incredible sighting on morning game drive today.

Lucky Gnu (Singita Kruger National Park)

We were lucky enough to witness this gripping encounter between a lone wildebeest and a lioness. Through true determination and possibly a bit of luck this wildebeest managed to fight off the lioness and gallop to freedom. Rare sightings like these are such a privilege to see!

Baby Hippo Going for a Dip (Singita Kruger National Park)

Newly born hippos are relatively small, weighing from 55 to 120 pounds, and are fiercly protected by their mothers. Young hippos can only stay under water for about half a minute, but adults can stay submerged up to six minutes.

Elephants Blowing Bubbles (Singita Sabi Sand)

Anywhere on the concession where there is water, there are elephants. Mid-morning at the water source is generally the best, as the herds come down to drink. There are often very good interactions between the elephants and the crocodiles and hippos wishing to bask in the sun on the riverbanks.

Singita’s social channels are a great place to get the latest news from our 12 lodges and camps. You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and, of course, Vimeo.

The post Quick & Quirky: Wildlife Snippets on our Vimeo Channel appeared first on Singita.