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South Africa

Chooi Hoong

Thanks Michelle. We had a great time at Ximuwu. Beautiful place truly the only resort that caters also for the disabled. I have stayed in other 5 star hotels that only offer shower stools.

Great value for money.

Susi Patrick

12 days in the bush was the most amazing and memorable adventure. The scenery and the wildlife were spectacular. The people there are truly happy to meet you and make sure you have the best experience. I have made so many new friends and invited them all to visit me. The people, the land, and the scenery have put a stamp on my heart. I haven’t been back home for a week and I am already planning my next trip to Africa with A2A Safaris!

Chanita Saicheua

Dear Michael and Monica,

Thank you for  your welcome home, and in one short word yes we had an amazing time!  

There is really not one bad thing I can say about the trip, and I would like to say that the itinerary you put for us was perfect, starting off with Vic Falls as a Safari 101 for us before really getting into it in Botswana then ending with Cape Town and relaxing and winding down at a Luxurious Spa/ Winery.

Meme Tan

The trip was very well planned from the chronology of places to the seamless transfers. Each place complemented the previous. I usually am most stressed with having to coordinate transfers especially in places I have never been to, but everything was already arranged and all that’s left  is for us to relax and enjoy.

The Wee family

In general, we really had a great time in South Africa. We found that the level of service is really high. Everyone is super friendly, well trained, and a big plus was being able to handle most of my dad's jokes (this is rare). Everything was handled well, smoothly and seamlessly. There were almost no waits between things. Traveling via private charter definitely made the trip very easy as well as we could just roll up to the air strip, board and be off in like 15mins. 

John C.

I mean, it's been incredible. I didn't know what to expect. And it's blown away what little expectations I had. 

Can't thank you guys enough for the recommendation. Really awesome!


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