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South Africa

Ivy Lim Avancena

The great migration, a spectacle in a lifetime. Capturing the heart pounding mood and feel of the moment in the right place at the right time. It’s an adventure of a lifetime with my Juan and Only true loves (Juan Gabriel & Juan Miguel) in our favourite continent! Definitely my best holiday ever. 

Adrian Abada

I was very satisfied with the safari, the guides were very accommodating and friendly. I liked most of the safari was that we were able to see all the animals we wanted to see including the big 5, the only one we did not see was the leopard. I was very happy with the advice given to me and I appreciated Yessa in answering all my questions in a timely manner. I was very happy with the meet and greet at the airport especially in Kenya where they helped me get in a line to get my visa. The light aircraft transfers were good although I am not too crazy about the small planes.

Paula V.

One of my favorite experiences from our time in the Makgadikgadi pans was our interaction with Meerkats. They were the cutest and friendliest animals out in the wild.

Kristina Sy

It’s been a few years since i felt that nudge in my insides to pack my bags and move. Felt that magical feeling again at Capetown. Universe, you got this!

Diego and Jacqui S.

Hola Nicole,

Junto con Jacquie queremos agradecerte a ti y a todo el equipo de A2A Safaris por haber logrado que nuestra luna de miel sea una experiencia inolvidable.

El viaje no comenzo con el despegue del avion, sino desde el 1er contacto que hemos tenido contigo donde nos permitiste viajar con la imaginacion.

Todo resulto increible, desde los traslados, el meet & greet en los aeropuertos, la hoteleria...todo ha sido brillante! Has logrado conocernos y entender a la perfeccion cuales eran nuestros deseos para un viaje tan maravilloso.

Lovely Padua-Hare

A2A safaris really lived up to its motto 'Your journey of a lifetime starts here'. Lieze Engelbrecht is our travel consultant. From the moment I sent my inquiry down to when we came back from our trip, nothing is short of amazing. I loved how we had a stress free trip. A2A put us in two different camps with two different offerings. We will definitely use A2A safaris again in the near future!

Leslie Sy

Yessa of A2A put together a wonderful tour for us.  She also helped plan and make restaurant reservations.  The accommodations, food, and transfers were excellent.  Everyday was a new wonder and experience.  Our guide and tracker at the Safari went above and beyond to give us the best sightings.  Our Cape Town guide was patient, fun and knowledgeable in showcasing every attraction.  We adored Victoria Falls from the ground and from the sky.  We saw all the Big 5, plus a massive herd of impalas, cubs at play and watched the lioness hunt and be hunted by hyenas.

Cherry A.

Upon arrival, I told my tour mates that I will enjoy because this will be my first and last trip to Africa.  As the days went by, I was amazed and fascinated with the flora and fauna, the charming and impeccable landscape and the natural wonders before me. I loved the people, food, culture, history and hospitality. Although I was with good company, I wished my family was with me. I wish all my family and friends could also come one day. I left South Africa saying, “Till I see you again, my friend.”   A beautiful and unique experience worth doing.

Rica and Family

Tshirts with our favorite saying this trip - HAKUNA MATATA - our guides would always tell us. That is truly how it is when we are on safari which is one of the reasons why I loved being in the wilderness. When we were in the camps we had a different high - going on our game drives seeing the animals, downtime and sundowners. I totally forgot what day it was and didn’t worry or think about anything except enjoying the moment. People are so cool and so chill  Truly Hakuna Matata - NO WORRIES. I wish the trip would never end and felt bad going back to the city.


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