Leslie Sy

Yessa of A2A put together a wonderful tour for us.  She also helped plan and make restaurant reservations.  The accommodations, food, and transfers were excellent.  Everyday was a new wonder and experience.  Our guide and tracker at the Safari went above and beyond to give us the best sightings.  Our Cape Town guide was patient, fun and knowledgeable in showcasing every attraction.  We adored Victoria Falls from the ground and from the sky.  We saw all the Big 5, plus a massive herd of impalas, cubs at play and watched the lioness hunt and be hunted by hyenas. Every sight took our breath away. This trip changed our lives and bonded us as family and friends.

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Listing title: 
Every sight took our breath away. This trip changed our lives and bonded us as family and friends
Client from: 
July, 2018
Safari to