
May 31, 2018

An Unbreakable Bond

Scientists Rentsch and Packer estimate that between 97,796 and 140,615 wildebeest are killed illegally by poachers in the Serengeti every year. In addition to the off-take of plains game such as wildebeest, the relentless and escalating demand for high-value wildlife products such as rhino horn, elephant ivory, lion bone and pangolin scales has driven the illegal...

Source: Singita

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Scientists Rentsch and Packer estimate that between 97,796 and 140,615 wildebeest are killed illegally by poachers in the Serengeti every year. In addition to the off-take of plains game such as wildebeest, the relentless and escalating demand for high-value wildlife products such as rhino horn, elephant ivory, lion bone and pangolin scales has driven the illegal...