
September 05, 2014

August news – Zarafa Camp, Botswana


Zarafa and its Dhow Suites would like to thank the many American citizens who made the long trip to Africa for their safari!

For our camp, August is traditionally an ‘American month’ with around 60% of our guests coming from overseas and this year was no exception. We wish you all safe travels back home and we hope to see you next winter. Oh! And for those of you who enjoy flexible work arrangements or are retired, please do not be a stranger and visit us even earlier. In November for example, it is a completely different ball game out here!

Weather-wise, August has ‘played’ us. Pretending to give us an exceptionally warm winter in the beginning of the month, but a few very cold and windy days right at the very end. We say; “do not worry about things you cannot control!” – as you understand, we (luckily) have very little problems in our little safari bubble.


One of the greater thing about August though are the stunning sunsets. As some of you might know, we get to see these typical red and orange colors this time of year as our neighbor country Namibia has ‘controlled burns’ to fertilize their land. The smoke and dust particles that remain in the air create these beautiful colors we enjoy every day. In the morning you can witness what we call, ‘the shadow of the earth’, which is a blue edge upon the horizon after which the sky colors soft pink. In one word: gorgeous.


But, enough about the beauty of the Botswana horizon. You want to know what the game has been like! August was the month of the cats and the cubs. Ask yourself, is there anything cuter than 6 lion cubs tumbling over each other, chasing their moms tail? Well, maybe (just maybe), it could be the leopard cub our guides have been spotting near our home!

Other great news is that the guides have located a wild dog den with puppies (hurray!). More information on these little ones will hopefully follow soon, as the den is still closed for sightings until the pups are at least 6 till 8 weeks of age. These protocols are important to ensure a healthy and relaxed relationship between the dogs and the cars coming to visit them. Also, as any parent will understand, raising these little fur balls is not always easy. Especially not when you consider the possible dangers of their environment. Too many car tracks towards the den might attract predators like lions and in this way humans might influence the ‘circle of life’ before the pups and their guardians even have a chance out here.

On a different note, those who follow our Social Media channels might have noticed that our very own Dereck & Beverly Joubert, have visited us this month. This always goes hand-in-hand with some new furniture and Zarafa has gained new pictures out of Beverly’s collection on its walls. It becomes harder and harder to pick your personal favorite in the main area…

Now, attention to all wine lovers! Next to some fabulous(-ly comfortable) leather chairs in the library, our camp is also enjoying a brand new wine list (hurray #2!). We are so excited to present to you a selection of excellent wines ranging from different vineyards that share our passion for quality, as well as a sense of responsibility to our environment and the communities we serve. We cannot wait to start spoiling our coming guests with vineyard tasting evenings (or lunches, brunches? – it is always 5 ‘o clock somewhere in the world!).
News from the kitchen includes our Chef Mhange who has joined Katherine and her team to delight us with his wonderful personality and cooking skills at Zarafa and the Dhow Suites.
One of their new delights includes a cracker that is made from a variation of seeds, such as sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Tastes great, no gluten! The kitchen team has also cooked repeatedly in the bush this month, surprising our guests with lunches and dinners in the wild and even a dinner on the boat.

And on that happy note, we wish you all a fabulous start of September. We will keep you posted and we promise that we will not let you wait for next months’ newsletter to hear from Zarafa and its Dhow Suites.

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Zarafa and its Dhow Suites would like to thank the many American citizens who made the long trip to Africa for their safari!

For our camp, August is traditionally an ‘American month’ with around 60% of our guests coming from overseas and this year was no exception. We wish you all safe travels back home and we hope to see you next winter. Oh! And for those of you who enjoy flexible work arrangements or are retired, please do not be a stranger and visit us even earlier. In November for example, it is a completely different ball game out here!

Weather-wise, August has ‘played’ us. Pretending to give us an exceptionally warm winter in the beginning of the month, but a few very cold and windy days right at the very end. We say; “do not worry about things you cannot control!” – as you understand, we (luckily) have very little problems in our little safari bubble.


One of the greater thing about August though are the stunning sunsets. As some of you might know, we get to see these typical red and orange colors this time of year as our neighbor country Namibia has ‘controlled burns’ to fertilize their land. The smoke and dust particles that remain in the air create these beautiful colors we enjoy every day. In the morning you can witness what we call, ‘the shadow of the earth’, which is a blue edge upon the horizon after which the sky colors soft pink. In one word: gorgeous.


But, enough about the beauty of the Botswana horizon. You want to know what the game has been like! August was the month of the cats and the cubs. Ask yourself, is there anything cuter than 6 lion cubs tumbling over each other, chasing their moms tail? Well, maybe (just maybe), it could be the leopard cub our guides have been spotting near our home!

Other great news is that the guides have located a wild dog den with puppies (hurray!). More information on these little ones will hopefully follow soon, as the den is still closed for sightings until the pups are at least 6 till 8 weeks of age. These protocols are important to ensure a healthy and relaxed relationship between the dogs and the cars coming to visit them. Also, as any parent will understand, raising these little fur balls is not always easy. Especially not when you consider the possible dangers of their environment. Too many car tracks towards the den might attract predators like lions and in this way humans might influence the ‘circle of life’ before the pups and their guardians even have a chance out here.

On a different note, those who follow our Social Media channels might have noticed that our very own Dereck & Beverly Joubert, have visited us this month. This always goes hand-in-hand with some new furniture and Zarafa has gained new pictures out of Beverly’s collection on its walls. It becomes harder and harder to pick your personal favorite in the main area…

Now, attention to all wine lovers! Next to some fabulous(-ly comfortable) leather chairs in the library, our camp is also enjoying a brand new wine list (hurray #2!). We are so excited to present to you a selection of excellent wines ranging from different vineyards that share our passion for quality, as well as a sense of responsibility to our environment and the communities we serve. We cannot wait to start spoiling our coming guests with vineyard tasting evenings (or lunches, brunches? – it is always 5 ‘o clock somewhere in the world!).
News from the kitchen includes our Chef Mhange who has joined Katherine and her team to delight us with his wonderful personality and cooking skills at Zarafa and the Dhow Suites.
One of their new delights includes a cracker that is made from a variation of seeds, such as sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Tastes great, no gluten! The kitchen team has also cooked repeatedly in the bush this month, surprising our guests with lunches and dinners in the wild and even a dinner on the boat.

And on that happy note, we wish you all a fabulous start of September. We will keep you posted and we promise that we will not let you wait for next months’ newsletter to hear from Zarafa and its Dhow Suites.