Sylvia Cheng

2017年的8月,籌劃了將近10個月的非洲(坦尚尼亞+肯亞)終於出發了。我們全團共24人(親友團)第一站從坦尚尼亞Ngorongoro, 第二站Sasakwa,接著來到了肯亞,Masai Mara, 最後去了Laikipia。十天的旅程,兩個國家公園,兩個私人野生保護區。所有最美的,最驚奇的,最刺激的,最享受的,最難忘的,都在這十天中實現了。A2A不愧是非洲旅遊的專家,經由A2A,我們體驗了無與倫比的旅遊精髓,精彩的景觀,緊湊的行程,隨處可見的細心體貼。讓每個人永生難忘。謝謝A2A。你們是最棒的。我們一定會再回來。

In August 2017, after 10 months of planning 24 friends and relatives visited the Ngorongoro Crater, Sasakwa Lodge, Kenya's Masai Mara and finally the Laikipia plateau. Ten days of journeying took us to two national parks and two private wild protected areas. We all had the most beautiful, the most surprising, the most exciting, the most enjoyable, the most memorable, ten days!  A2A is indeed an expert in African tourism, through A2A, we experienced the wonderful landscapes via a nice and compact itinerary where every detail was thought of and considered. Everyone will never forget. Thank you A2A. You are the best. We will come back again.

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We all had the most beautiful, the most surprising, the most exciting, the most enjoyable, the most memorable, ten days!
Client from: 
Taiwan and Singapore
August, 2017
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