Jael and Cookie Wenceslao

Just recently, my wife and I had decided to start planning our so-called “bucket list trips.” Our first destination on that list was Maldives, and it was there, in May 2015, that we chose our second destination – Africa. It seemed daunting, since we had no idea where to stay, where to go, and what to see. Our mission was to go on a safari on my wife’s birthday in March – everything else outside of that, we had no clue. Thankfully, we came across A2A Safaris.

With Ailin as our contact and travel consultant, everything fell into place. We unexpectedly fell in love with Cape Town, marveled at the view from the summit of Table Mountain, and tried not to get blown away by the strong winds at Cape Point. We even wanted to take home one of those penguins at Simon’s Town! We felt at home in Cape Grace Hotel, and enjoyed just walking along the V&A Waterfront. As foodies, my wife and I savored the dishes in Cape Town’s popular restaurants such as Black Sheep and Pot Luck Club. 

In Zambia, we marveled at the Victoria Falls, and got pleasantly drenched from the mist; we even saw 3 zebras grazing right outside our hotel room!

Of course, the highlight of our trip was the safari at the Sabi Sands Reserve. Each day, as we left Savanna Private Game Lodge for our game drives, it was an adventure; we never knew what would happen and it was exciting. We felt like kids going out to play. Sure, seeing the “Big 5” – rhino, elephant, leopard, buffalo, and lion – was an incredible bonus, but the best part of the safari was simply watching the sun rise and then set each day, in the stillness and silence of amazing Africa, surrounded by our newfound friends, Elena and Dennis from the UK, and Derrick (our ranger) and Abraham (our tracker). We are forever changed by our journey of a lifetime – thanks to Ailin and A2A. We shall definitely plan our 3rd “bucket list trip” with A2A!

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Listing title: 
We are forever changed by our journey of a lifetime – thanks to Ailin and A2A. We shall definitely plan our 3rd “bucket list trip” with A2A!
Client from: 
March, 2016
Safari to