I truly thank Asia to Africa Safaris for giving me the opportunity to go with my children to Africa!  It was a rewarding trip for me - a trip which I will always treasure as one of my most memorable (if not the most memorable) voyages I have undertaken!!  I have been all over the world but it was only during this trip that I learned my role in life!

I realized that I am but a small item in the hierarchy of the animal kingdom.  ... that I must see myself as the caretaker of this beautiful earth - made more so meaningful when I visited the magnificent game reserves in Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

My stay at Cape Town was the culmination of the trip.  Such a nice climate, such a nice conglomeration of people, and such a memorable place.  I felt that I should one day consider retiring in Cape Town (but retirement is still far down the road for me).  The vineyards particularly impressed me with the huge trees originating from China and of course the excellent wines I tasted, comparable to the best in Europe!

My stay and experiences in safari hunting (with a camera instead of a gun!) made my visit all the more memorable!  The vast Okavango Delta indeed is a living example to the rest of the world how much we have to look at the beauty of the place and the animals to appreciate how we as human beings should live - hand in hand with all the animals who also own this earth!!!

The exciting moments came when I was a witness to three sleek cheetah brothers hunt and take down an impala and a pack of wild dogs torment and bring down another impala in one game drive.  The wonders of the place – the interesting rides we took on open top land rovers, the tea-breaks and sundowners we had out in the open fields, the excellent accommodations we were given, the exciting but safe rides we had in the small planes (going from one camp to another), and the peace and quiet I had when I slept in the tents.

The memory still lingers and will linger on till I leave this beautiful earth, made more so by my visit to Africa!

Listing title: 
The memory still lingers and will linger on till I leave this beautiful earth, made more so by my visit to Africa!
Client from: 
June, 2003
Safari to