JC Gilbaud and Ines De Villeneuve

The pictures remind us of a great time in our lives and this canoe trip is definitely engraved in our memories.  We were very lucky to share it with you!

We have been thinking so many times of you and this wonderful time in Africa ... We really dream of the next trip you are planning to Botswana.  JC is very occupied every evening following the growth of his seeds (there are little baobabs, marulas & African ebonies coming ahead!!!). 

The pictures remind us of a great time in our lives and this canoe trip is definitely engraved in our memories.  We were very lucky to share it with you!

Listing title: 
The pictures remind us of a great time in our lives and this canoe trip is definitely engraved in our memories. We were very lucky to share it with you!
Client from: 
August, 2004
Safari to