Triny Sy

Hi Aireen,  We got back from our trip yesterday. We all had a great time. The Zambia experience was definitely adrenalin packed. The microlight experience was just wow. The beauty of Victoria  Falls from above and the rainbow is just beyond description!!!

I also went to the town with my children who surprisingly, took the initiative to go.  It was an eye-opener for them to see how less fortunate people live their lives.  They learned about their culture  and had hands on experience talking with the locals.

The safari was really fun and exciting. Our only regret is we didn't bring a videocam.  We took some good pictures, thanks to your photo tips, we brought a 300mm lens with us.  It will take me some time to  view and pick the good pictures as we finished close to 12 GB memory.  

There was a time when my son took some 200 pictures just of the cheetah and the leopard with cubs. We all liked Thornybush Chapungu Lodge better than Djuma, basically because the ranger we had was really very passionate about his job. Otherwise, I liked the ambiance of the dinner setting of Djuma - with the bonfire and all.  We saw the big 5, some of them several times over, plus cheetah (the Big 6, we were told).

Cape Town is beautiful.. We were able to get to Cape Point without the rain, saw some penguins at Simonstown, did wine tasting at Constantia, etc.  But we didn't get the chance to go up Table Mountain.  The weather just didn't cooperate with us.  Maybe it just gives us reason to go back in the future..

Well, thank you for arranging our trip.  It certainly was time and money well spent and an experience to remember.  Sa uulitin, with my two younger sons - target year - 2010.

Listing title: 
Well, thank you for arranging our trip. It certainly was time and money well spent and an experience to remember. Sa uulitin, with my two younger sons - target year - 2010
Client from: 
June, 2007
Safari to