Tay Tong Poh and Khoe Poo Loen

At the recommendation of Asia to Africa Safaris (“A to A Safaris”), we went to Savuti Camp and Tubu Tree Camp.  It was our first safari trip and it exceeded our expectation.  We had such a good time and would definitely be back for more.

Lit and Binky chose the camps carefully after listening to what we would like to see and based on their experience of the activities in Botswana in late September.  The decision to go was made at the last minute and we were waitlisted for those camps.  But they were persistent in following up with the camps to make sure that, if there was any cancellation, we would be given the slots.  We eventually got what we wanted, i.e. 3 nights at Savuti and 2 nights at Tubu Tree.

We were well prepared by A to A Safaris for the trip and knew what to expect upon getting to the camps.  Everything went like clockwork, from the meet-&-greet in Johannesburg to the air transportation and the reception at each camp upon our arrival.  The only surprise we had was a wonderful candle-light dinner for two on our second night at Savuti.  The camp was told of our wedding anniversary and had prepared a special table for us with a complimentary bottle of champagne.  What a treat!

Lit and Binky had also asked for the guides whom they trusted at each of the camps.  They were very experienced, knowledgeable and passionate about their job, and made the rides very enjoyable.  We saw a lot of game and all the predators with the exception of rhinoceros (which only can be found in the Mombo camp anyway).  We were following cheetahs hunting an impala, saw a pack of wild dogs (although they were napping), saw the Savuti Pride (4 male lions) after they had just killed an elephant the night before and found a female leopard at night.

There were also a lot of different species of birds, some of which were really pretty.  Our favourites were the carmine bee-eaters and lilac-breasted rollers.

What an experience and definitely the highlight of our holiday.  We highly recommended the safari to those who have never been before.  We have recommended our friends to A to A Safaris because we know they will be in good hands and will be well taken care of.  Lit and Binky are very knowledgeable and passionate about safaris, know the camps well and the activities available at the camps, and are able to custom-tailor trips to match the objectives of the clients.

Listing title: 
We have recommended our friends to A to A Safaris because we know they will be in good hands and will be well taken care of
Client from: 
September, 2004
Safari to