Kenneth Ho

Our guide was great. His name was OT. He's extremely knowledgable, and he should be because in a few months' time he will be starting his studies to become a vet. He gave us a very thorough and interesting talk on termites - his father had done years of research on the topic, and it's fascinating to know how important these termites are to the whole ecosystem.

We saw the Lions on several different occasion, each time doing different things - one time the male was eating grass because of stomach troubles, another time we saw a female climb a tree, another time they were drinking water, and once on our way back after sunset, one of the males was lying on the road blocking our path (naturally we detoured as he was the king of the jungle).

Another highlight was the Wild Dogs. We tracked the Wild Dogs for like an hour, following them in search of food and actually saw them chase after an Impala, though we didn't see them catch anything. Unfortunately we bumped into a herd of elephants and had to abandon following the dogs.

We also saw a male Leopard looking for the female after mating, a bunch of Hippos playing in the river, Hyenas, a quick glimpse of some Zebras, and many others. We didn't see the Cheetahs, Rhinos or Buffalos (not sure if there are any in the part of the reserve). But something for next time.

It was a great experience and next time we go, I think we would like go to a different country to experience something different (but not that we disliked Botswana by any means).  Of course we will give you guys a shout when the happens.

Listing title: 
It was a great experience and next time we go, I think we would like go to a different country to experience something different
Client from: 
Hong Kong
December, 2004
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