Karen Liu

The Mana Canoe Trail in Zimbabwe is the most special safari one can do.  Saw hundreds of elephants, buffalo, eland, waterbuck, kudu and eland from the canoe not to mention all the birdlife and of course the 1,500 hippos and loads of crocs on the Zambezi.  Meal settings were awesome – under beautiful trees, on sandbanks in the middle of the Zambezi surrounded by hippos and at the temporary camps which were in these gorgeous areas on the riverbank.  The walks were also great as Mana Pools is pumping with game in August.

Walked right up to elephant and buffalo herds, hippos and lions in Hwange, saw 4 black rhino in Matusadona and walked to within 8 feet of one of them. Also saw 3 white rhino at Moisi O Tunya park in Livingstone and approached one of them on foot. Had great lion viewing all throughout including mating, territorial fighting and a full blown male lion charge in Makalolo which we have on video!
Had three male lions stalking and chasing a huge buffalo herd in Hwange and saw hyenas chasing impalas at Makalolo on a night drive but we just could not keep up with them.  Also saw eight hyenas hunting at night in South Luangwa.

Had excellent antelope sightings – sable, roan, eland, hartebeest, bushbuck, duiker, steenbok, kudu, puku and waterbuck.   Saw our first Thornicroft’s giraffe and Crawshay’s zebra in the South Luangwa in Zambia.  

All in all a great trip and by far the most interactive safari we’ve done.  Totally different experience because of the walking and the top notch guides in Zimbabwe.  The Canoe Trail is a must for those seeking a unique adventure.

Listing title: 
All in all a great trip and by far the most interactive safari we’ve done. Totally different experience because of the walking and the top notch guides in Zimbabwe
Client from: 
Hong Kong
September, 2002
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