Iroshini and Kevin Chua

Thank you so much for organizing this amazing experience in North Island.

When we arrived, the first thing we noticed was how the water literally glowed around us. When we got off the boat and on to the soft white sand, the staff welcomed us with such affection that I immediately felt that we were going to be well looked after.

When we walked into our villa, my jaw dropped with all the surprises! A blanc de blanc champagne, cheese platter, chocolates, meat jerky, whiskey...the list goes on of all our favourite flavours and indulgences! I especially loved the sprawling villa in shades of the most soothing teal blues and aqumarine. Honestly, I was torn each time I wanted to leave my villa - gorgeous villa with a swirling pool or breathtaking view on a pristine beach? What a difficult choice!

We loved the any-menu-any-venue concept and felt thoroughly spoilt! We had breakfast at the honeymoon beach, cocktails on a rock face, dinner at the west beach and so on. Somehow the entire experience seemed surreal. Almost like a spell was cast on us where we were made to believe that the island was entirely ours and it was our home. Everywhere was so picturesque on the island that we couldn't stop shooting and ended up with 1000+ photos!

We were so delighted to meet Brutus and company too. What gentle and docile creatures! We waited with bated breath hoping to see the turtle nest swarming with the babies but it didn't happen while we were there.

Many times I wanted to pinch myself - especially when it was just the two of us at the honeymoon beach. A real Robinson Crusoe moment. Privacy was the ultimate luxury in this paradise island! I can't even write about it without a million exclamations which is a testament to our unforgettable experience. We sure hope to go back one day, especially since we had the bread fruit which promises a return visit.

Once again, we can't thank you enough for all your arrangements!

Image (Listing): 
Listing title: 
Privacy was the ultimate luxury in this paradise island! I can't even write about it without a million exclamations which is a testament to our unforgettable experience
Client from: 
January, 2015
Journey to