Fernandez Family

This trip to Africa with our entire family is definitely one of the most memorable times in my life mainly because of the "crazy" experiences we went through. It was rough and tough although very enjoyable, fun and educational and is something I extremely recommend to those adventurous families out there. I am proud to say that this trip that has been planned for so many months has changed my life in so many ways and I'm glad that I was literally "dragged" to go because every second there was worth it. I honestly thought that this trip was preposterous at first but it proved me wrong and I wouldn't want to be anywhere at that time but in that wonderful place.  - EF (King…. Of the Jungle), 17 years

I thought Africa was the best EVER!! It was a very different family trip! There was a lot more excitement, fun and activities. The dining was delicious, the true taste of Africa. I loved all the places we stayed in Africa, all very different and unique, each one with a lot of stories to tell! I loved Africa. I can't wait to visit Africa again!  And I LOVED the amazing animals we encountered!! - CF, 14 years

My trip to Africa was so much fun. I saw many animals. My favorite was the baby elephant because they are strong. I like the hippos snorting in my ear. They snort so loud that I can hear them in my tent. The baby leopards played together and they had fun. I like the jeep riding around the place to see animals and to hear the sound of the elephants. I like seeing the dead bones of the buffalo. I want to go back to Africa and I'm gonna have fun in Africa.  - TF, 5 years

In Simbambili I thought the food was weird but I liked all the animals. I also liked seeing the carcasses. I loved Livingstone and Cape Town the best because they were both fun and we saw cute animals. - KF, 8 years

From the brilliant glow of the eyes of a Lion to the opaque fogs on Tabletop mountain; one artistic learning experience. Artistic because it is almost as though everything is carefully designed to create an equilibrium amongst all kingdom, phylum, order, class, and specie; the circle of life from animals to plants to humans.  - KF, 20 years

My trip to Africa last July 2006 has been the most unique and challenging journey of my life.  From the minute I left the airport, I knew this was going to be a trip like no other.  Our copper bracelets carry the tears, screams, pains, laughter and love we all accomplished together, as one family.  It exists hitherto – and so do all the other memories.  Although none of us are in Africa anymore, I’m sure all of us grabbed a part of that magnificent continent, and took it home. Success if the perfect description of my experience in Africa last July 2006!  - AF, 19 years

Everyone has pre-formed ideas about Africa: the terrain, the wildlife, the people; and everyone has their own idea about what it would be like to go there, myself included. However, when presented with the actual opportunity to visit this seemingly distant and mysterious land, I must say that all my expectations vanished in seconds leaving me without any idea about what to expect, which amazingly was not much of a problem because what I saw there went beyond what I could ever have imagined.

Simply staying in the camps is an adventure all on its own. Where else can you find leopards wandering around in front of your door, or zebras grazing by your window? Where else will you ever find hippos to serenade you to sleep each night? All of these of course, are just preamble before going on safari which offered me the once-in-a-lifetime chance to come face to face with the spectacular African wildlife which brought whole new escapades of its own. From accidentally hooking a crocodile while fishing, to watching countless buffalo on the open plain staring us down with their intimidating “Power Stance”, or even following a pregnant lioness as she went hunting; nothing could have been more incredible. What’s more is that, while experiencing all this unbelievable adventures, one also becomes acquainted with what is, in my opinion, one of the most unique cultures I have ever encountered. The language itself is interesting and the art is just stunning, but probably my favorite part was the food. Impala loin, crocodile kebab, kudu steak; anything you can imagine, and every single dish delicious.

Suffice as to say this trip to Africa was an amazing and most worthwhile experience. It left me with the some fantastic memories of our incredible exploits that I will treasure forever. Most importantly though, this trip brought me closer to my family as we shared those wonderful adventures together in the beautiful and enchanting land of Africa. - BF, 16 years

Last summer, my family and I went to Africa for the holidays. In Simbambili we went on a Safari the entire day. I loved the fresh smell of the landscape as our group rode along the bumpy dirt road. We saw so many animals on these rides. The leopards were really lazy and just laid around sleeping. We saw three rhinos playing around one day. It was really funny how they played. They would jab each other with their horns. We didn’t see much buffalos but we did see three that stayed in the front of our camp the whole time we were there.  Aside from these animals, we witnessed the amazing sunset. The sunset was like a bright orange tennis ball floating in the dark blue sky.

We went to Kulefu and we stayed by the Zambezi River. We saw crocodiles and hippos everyday. It was fun watching them bop around the river. Every night we would hear them grunt and moan at each other. One night a hippo even entered our camp but no one was hurt. On the last days before we left we went fishing. We found a fishing spot by the Zambezi River We caught so many fish like catfish and tigerfish...  one of my aunts even hooked a crocodile. On the nights that we fished we would eat the fish we caught for dinner. Then we would relax over the roaring bonfire.

We went to Zambia and stayed at the Royal Livingstone. They had lots of different activities that we could do. We decided to go white water rafting. We had to paddle through level five rapids as the cold water splashed on our already numb faces. The next day we went micro lighting. A micro light is a little mini two-seater aeroplane that flies you around Victoria Falls. I enjoyed the gust of wind as I soared through the waterfalls on the tiny aeroplane. That night we went on a sunset cruise. I adored the sight of the sunset as we travelled down the Zambezi River.

For our last stop, we went to Cape Town. For the first few days we went shopping in the local malls. We bought at lot of different cultural African arts in the shops. We ate in a variety of different restaurants. They were all delicious. After a few days we went sightseeing. We went to see Great White sharks. The next day we went to wineries and tried the different types of African wines. Then we went to Cape of Good Hope. This is the southern most point in all of Africa. The scenery was breath taking. Africa was a memorable trip I would very much like to visit this beautiful and rugged land again. - SF, 12 years

Listing title: 
Africa 2006: One Amazing Experience
Client from: 
July, 2006
Safari to