Chin Simpson

*South Africa: , the love story with nature continues* (an excerpt) 

Chin Simpson 
July 24, 2023

Still basking in the wonders of the Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve, where we found ourselves just days earlier on an exhilarating four-day game drive, and still marveling at the bounty of the Grootbos private nature reserve, and hardly getting over our enchantment of encountering Southern right whales up close in the Atlantic Ocean, here I am, witnessing yet another spectacular sunset, this time much further down the horizon, now accompanied by the silhouettes of buildings and electric poles.

Even in my second time around, I only find myself just falling even more in love with Africa. The energy, the diversity, the culture, and most especially the people. These experiences had woven themselves deeply into the fabric of my soul, creating memories that I know I will always cherish in my heart.

Our 2 week trip has come to an end and we bid farewell in a few hours with our hearts full, overflowing with gratitude, and long trails of memory etched deep within us. South Africa has once again enchanted us with its beauty and resilience, leaving us with a deeper longing to one day, come back. And when we do, we can only hope to continue to unravel more secrets, witness more of its endless wonders, meet more wonderful people, and revel in more magic that South Africa so generously offers.

Thank you, Africa, for an experience that has touched our souls so profoundly. It is a country we hold dear, a place where cherished memories reside and will  forever tug at our hearts. 

Thank you A2A, Thank you Yessa, for making this once again, possible , it was more than we could ever dream of.

Thank you, jeffrey for always finding ways for us to see the world and the beauty it possesses, I am so grateful to share life with you.

Most importantly, thank you God, for creating a world with such intricacy. For allowing us to live in a world filled with so much beauty and wonders.* 

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Listing title: 
Thank you, Africa, for an experience that has touched our souls so profoundly. It is a country we hold dear, a place where cherished memories reside and will forever tug at our hearts.
Client from: 
July, 2023
South Africa
Safari to