Brian & Barbara Chitester

“Everything fit together seamlessly. Great venues, tours, recommendations. Experienced staff who made informed suggestions.

The relationship the staff builds with you at Ulusaba is like a family. Add to that great drives, great animal sightings, great food – it was a blast. Greg and Dan made an excellent guide team and were great professionals and a lot of fun to be with. I was dumbfounded by their tracking abilities and level of knowledge about science, botany, astronomy, zoology – fantastic learning and great fun.

Our guide in Cape Town stuck with us from the time he picked us up at the airport until he dropped up back off 5 days later. Including wine tours, cape tour, and recommendations for dinner. He was very personable and knowledgeable. He was very flexible and took us to only the best wineries that sold big reds (which we preferred).”

Listing title: 
Everything fit together seamlessly. Great venues, tours, recommendations
Client from: 
Hong Kong
April, 2011
South Africa
Safari to