Aivee Teo

My fave Safari moments. The best times are spent with just the 5 of us! No wifi, no gadgets, no distractions!

Being a busy working mom, I really look forward to trips like this where i get to spend quality time with my kids and being with them 24/7! Sharing 3 meals, looking after their needs, packing and planning our days activities!

And nothing is better than having trips that are best suited to their needs and interests (rather than mine). They are not young forever and this is the best time to invest in memories like this!

Image (Listing): 
Listing title: 
And nothing is better than having trips that are best suited to my kids' needs and interests (rather than mine). They are not young forever and this is the best time to invest in memories like this!
Client from: 
July, 2023
Safari to